Spatial Expansion of Urban Activities and Agricultural Lands Encroachment in Makurdi Metropolis
This study assessed spatial expansion of urban activities and agricultural lands in Makurdi metropolis, Benue State-Nigeria between the period of 1999 and 2012. The study employed ILWIS Academic 3.2a image processing software to conduct Land Use Land Cover Change (LULCC) analysis on Remotely Sensed (RS) data and Geographical Information System (GIS). A supervised classification was also adopted to identify land use type, and image differencing to identify the change. The study found out that there is a continuous decline in the total amount of farmland in Makurdi from 1999-2012. Specifically, it was found that in 1999, farmlands covered 43% of the study area while in 2012 it was reduced to 22%, indicating that spatial expansion of urban activities has been on the increase and may result in absolute loss in cropland with other sustainability risks and threats of livelihoods if not appropriately managed. The study therefore recommended that spatial expansion of urban activities should be well managed and controlled as well as to take into cognizance areas needed to be reserved for farming while carrying out urban development of an area.
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