Re-Os Ages for the Kourki Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits, North West Niger (West Africa): Geodynamic Implications
The study area is located at the southern end of the Gorouol greenstone belt, northwestern Niger. This region contains significant deposits of Copper and Molybdenum hosted in intrusive rocks metamorphosed in the green shale facies. This deposit was previously considered a porphyry system of Copper (Cu) and Molybdenum (Mo) without having been the subject of advanced research. The objective of this study is to confirm or refute this hypothesis and to date the mineralisation in an absolute manner in order to readjust the mineralising episode in the history of the West African Craton. The methodology used within the framework of this study is the isotopic dating by the Re-Os method carried out on the pyrites of the host rock. The results of this analysis give an age range between 2158 ± 50 Ma and 2110 ± 51 Ma for the Cu-Mo mineralisation. This age range represents the West African Craton scale to an episode of magmatic accretion. During this accretion, the subduction phenomena between the Crusts (Oceanic and Continental) would have been favourable for the formation of the Cu and Mo mineralisation of Kourki.
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