The Water Chemistry Quality of the Ex-sand Mining Sites in Gantar District, West Java, for Freshwater Fish Cultivation
Sand mining activities in Gantar District, Indramayu Regency, West Java, have changed water morphology and quality. Many ex-sand mining areas have left large ponds that have not been utilized optimally by the community around the mining area. The research aims to analyze the suitability of water quality in the ex-sand mining area for freshwater fish cultivation. Observations in three water ponds in Bantarwaru Village, Gantar District, in August 2022. Water quality measurements in situ and the laboratory. Water quality parameters observed in situ measured temperature, water depth, brightness, dissolved oxygen (DO), and pH. Laboratory measurements included TSS, TDS, BOD, COD, and chemical elements such as total phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, sulfate, and iron. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively by making comparisons with the standard water quality based on standards of Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning Management of Water Quality and Control of Water Pollution. To find out how suitable the suitability for freshwater fish farming is. Suitability analysis using the weighting and scoring method. The scoring results for ex-sand mining ponds for freshwater fish farming are 81–91% and classified as moderately to highly suitable. This score is good for freshwater fish cultivation.
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