
Aeroradiometric data of part of Lower Benue Trough of Nigeria was interpreted in order to ascertain the mineral potentials of the area. The four half-degree radiometric data sheets used for this study (sheet 288, sheet 289, sheet 302 and sheet 303) were acquired from the Nigeria Geological Survey Agency (NGSA). The radioelement composite map, radioelement equivalent ratios and ternary maps were generated from the radiometric data using Oasis Montaj 8.4 and ArcGIS software. High Potassium concentration (0.0861-0.5175%), equivalent Uranium (4.0077-5.5034 ppm) and equivalent Thorium (16.0104-19.8929 ppm) were observed in the study area, especially around Nkalagu, Igumale and Abakaliki areas. Result of the radiometric data interpretation also indicates the presence of a number of magmatic centres around Ejekwe and Igumale areas, and at the southeastern part of Abakaliki, which suggests that the area is potentially mineralized. Key minerals revealed by the study in these areas include feldspar, granite, dolerite, basalt, plead and zinc. The distribution and target extent of these zones of mineralization fall within a broad NE-SW trending axis.


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