
The survey was carried out to analyze rainfall variability, to gather information of farmer practise on cropping pattern and farmer knowledge of climate change. The survey was conducted from on 21 September to 1 October 2022 in Ngoro oro and Watu Gajah sub villages, at Gunung Kidul Regency, about 30 km Southern of Yogyakarta city, Indonesia.  Field visit and the group discussion were conducted to explore farmer knowledge on climate change. Rainfall was correlated with previous monthly Southern Oscillation Index to enabale rainfall prediction. The main finding of the survey were the farmers had local knowledge that was good enough to anticipate of climate change such as observing the nature sign i.e. the growth of the gadung tree (Dioscorea hispida) and suweg plant (Amorphophallus sp), the use of Javanese calendar for agriculture and also checking the soil wetness were used to decide the first season of planting after dry season. However, the information from meteorology agency (BMKG) regarding the La Nina was not reaching the farmers. The analysis of rainfall revealed that rainfall at Gunung Kidul was closely related to El Nino and La Nina, and this affected the the time of first planting season after dry season. Also, SOI could be useful for prediction of fortcoming rainfall.  The scientific aspect of climatic anomaly such as La Nina and El Nino was reasonably understood and it could be predicted by scientists, and this valuable information needed to be delivered by mediators to assist farmers in farming management. As the occurrence of El Nino and La Nina was known in advance, this information from BMKG needed to be delivered by mediators in simple words so that farmer would get the benefit of climate change to manage their farm.


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