
The palynological study of the outcrop Formations in parts of Ini Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Southeastern Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria has contributed to unraveling the palynostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the outcrops through the use of diagnostic palynomorphs. The section is made up of carbonaceous shales, sandstones, mudstones and claystones. The conventional maceration technique for recovering acid-insoluble organic-walled microfossils from sediments was used to prepare twenty outcrop samples for palynological studies. The samples produced poor to fair diversity assemblages of palynomorphs. A total of 176 palynomorphs species were recorded, with 48% pollen grains, 33% spores, 12% dinoflagellate cysts, 5% fungal spores, and 2% microforam test wall linings. Based on stratigraphically selected index taxa recovered,age determination and correlation wereestablished. The samples from Imo Formation were assigned Late Paleocene-Eocene based on Psilatricolporites Crassus, Retitricolporites irregularies, Psilatricolporites sp. and Leiotriletes adriennis with the presence of Paleocene dinoflagellate cysts such as Lejeunacysta beninensis and Selenopemphix nephroides. Ameki samples were dated Early-Middle Eocene based on Proxapertites operculatus, Retistephanocolpites williamsi, Mauritidites crassiexinius, Monocolpites marginatus and Longapertites marginatus. Ogwashi-Asaba shale samples were assigned Late Eocene-Early Oligocene due to the abundant presence of Verrucatosporites usmensis, Laevigatosporites discordatus and Retitricolporites irregularis while Eze-Aku samples were tentatively assigned Paleocene because of the presence of two pollen index fossils Proxapertites operculatus and Pachydermites diederixi. Inferred depositional conditions suggest that Imo Formation was deposited in a shallow marine or near shore brackish water estuarine environment. The Ameki Formation was accumulated in a marginal marine or near shore, brackish water-estuarine environment in the upper deltaic setting. The Ogwashi-Asaba Formation was deposited in a progradational shoreline moving between the brackish water and fresh water deltaic plain. The Eze-Aku Formation was deposited in an upper foreshore fresh water environment. The palynological study of the samples are Paleogene Formations while the paleoenvironment is in a costal deltaic to shallow-marine environment and are appropriate for hydrocarbon accumulations and exploration.


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