
The annual the physico-chemical variation of the Periyakulam Lake, Tiruchirappalli, Southern India was assessed from January 2011 to December 2013 aquatic life. The study was carried out to examine level of varying physic-chemical parameters such as Water Depth (m), Turbidity (NTU), Salinity (ppt), Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l), pH, Electrical conductivity (µS/cm), Carbonate (mg/l), Bicarbonate (mg/l), Chloride (mg/l), Sulphate (mg/l), Calcium (mg/l), Magnesium (mg/l), Sodium (mg/l), Potassium (mg/l). The physico-chemical parameters have exhibited considerable yearly and variations. The qualitative study revealed of the physico-chemical parameters, which would be very helpful for policy makers to take precautionary measures to save the wetland.


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