Permian Ages of “Younger Granites” from Mounio Province (Gouré area, Southeastern Niger)
African formations intruded by the “Younger Granites” ring complex. In the study area, the “Younger Granites” are represented by volcanic to acid plutonic rocks with hyperalkaline trends (pyroclastic rocks, rhyolites, microgranites, granites, syenites), forming in the North, a circular structure called Gouré ring complex. Preliminary geochronological datings of the Mounio granites have yielded Carboniferous ages. However, recent investigations carried out in this province have identified structures similar to Pan-African deformation structures, such as folds and several generations of schistosity/foliation. Analysis of the relationship between deformation and magmatism has removed any ambiguity regarding the relative age of the deformation. This study focuses on the radiometric dating of the “Younger Granites” of Gouré area, in order to update the geochronological data. Thus, three samples (pyroclastitic rock, rhyolite, microgranite) were dated by the K-Ar method on total rock using a mass spectrometertype MI 1201 IG. Radiometric dating results assign a Lower Permian age (293-287 Ma) to the “Younger Granites” Ring Complex of the Mounio Province in Niger, classically considered to be Carboniferous in age.
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