
Twenty-two Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) were carried out to evaluate groundwater potential and aquifer protective capacity of the overburden units using Schlumberger configuration. It was observed that H-curve is the dominant curve type in the study area. The Geo-electro stratigraphic section revealed that the geologic sequence beneath the study area is composed of topsoil, highly weather basement, partly fractured basement and fresh basement. The first layer has an average thickness and resistivity of 1 m and 130 Ωm, respectively. The second layer has an average thickness of 14 m and an average resistivity of 53 Ωm. The third layer is partly fracture basement with an average resistivity of 747 Ωm while at some VES point represents fresh basement. The highly weathered basement and partly fracture basement layer make up the water bearing formation of the area. Dar-Zarrouk parameter revealed that the area under study has protective capacity range from weak to good capacity of the overburden material. Areas that are classified as poor and weak are indicative areas are thus vulnerable to infiltration of leachate and other surface contaminations. The groundwater potential of the area ranges from low to moderate potential; the moderate zone constitutes 86% while the low potential constitutes 14% of the study area. The transverse resistance within the study area ranges from 119.6 to 6983.7 ohms-m2 with an average value of 1024.59 ohms-m2. Hydraulic conductivity values determined from geoelectrical technique range from 3.05 to 38.04 m/day with an average value of 14.86 m/day.


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