Ore Microscopy of the Pegmatites of Keffi Area, North Central Nigeria
Investigation of the pegmatites of Keffi area was carried out in reflected light microscopy to determine the texture, elemental composition, and the semi-quantitative analysis of the ore minerals from the three groups of pegmatites identified in Keffi area: the non-mineralised, the intermediate and the mineralised pegmatites. Backscattered Electron (BSE) images and Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometry (WDS) were used. Petrographically the portion which is characterised by profuse albitisation, sericitisation and silicification is also associated with the development of cleavelandite, lepidolite, coloured tourmaline and high concentrations of cassiterite and columbite-tantalite (coltan).The order of crystallisation in the pegmatites is from microcline to quartz followed by (plagioclases) oligoclase to albite and by mica (from biotite to muscovite) then by accessory minerals such as black tourmaline, garnet, beryl and lastly oxides of Sn-Nb-Ta. Sphene, rutile, zircon, apatite, ilmenite, and magnetite appeared to be earliest minerals whilst garnet pyrite and chalcopyrite may be syn-metamorphic. Beryl and coloured tourmaline appear to be of hydrothermal phase.
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