
Global population growth and climate change are adding pressure on conventional water sources to meet the rising demand. Reliance on unconventional water sources utilizing desalination technologies is increasing to ensure water security. A major economic and environmental challenge in the sustainable adoption of desalination is the hypersaline concentrate that is generated as a byproduct. Brine quantification estimation process and disposal strategies along with the associated costs are provided. Brine re-use for biomass production offers a promising solution to help mitigate the environmental and economic challenges related to brine disposal. Soil salinization is a key issue with the land application of brine impacting its sustainability and applicability in the long run. The paper proposes a methodology for multi-stage biomass production using desalination brine. Added advantage of the proposed methodology is the potential to manage soil salinization, adopt sustainable agricultural practices such as crop rotation and enhancing biodiversity through inclusion of marshlands and wetlands as part of the brine disposal strategy. The paper also proposes an experimental setup for lab scale experimentation and identifies research priorities and provides recommendations for further evaluation.


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